Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Women-The Original Sex and the City

I noticed the other night before on TCM The Women was on. I almost watched it, but I had gotten my finace to watch Grey Gardens the weekend before (he loved it, which really surprised me, but it was quite good). But, I DVR'd it to watch later. But I was thinking as I was watching Sex and the City with my fiance (he surprisingly enjoyed that as well) how similar they are. (I've seen The Women several times, but love to watch it over and over). I can't even talk about the newer version of The Women with Meg Ryan, which I didn't see but seemed like a rip off of Sex and the City since they were released in theatres around the same time. Anyway, the idea of women that they are supportive of each other and flawed and that they have sex and affairs and ruin and save each others lives is not a social network that is seen today in film.
If you love Sex and the City, see the original gangstas. Joan Crawford is a badass in that bathtub and the final line in that movie is great to use at a party or with that girlfriend who has stood you up one too many times.
The thing I think that is most vivid to me is the phone in the bathtub with Joan Crawford. It is fantastic. Oh, and just like Sex and the City the men have a peripheral existance. There are no men in The Women. They exist entirely off screen. Just like Mr. Big's real life and all the men's lives in Sex and the City exist entirely off screen.
Just like most women in most films only exist on the other end of a phone at home or are the accepting hug at the end of a terrible adventure.

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